Aerial Photography of the Later Prehistoric and Roman Landscape of Western Transylvania, Romania

This project seeks to improve knowledge of the history and development of the landscape of the western lowlands of Romania by the application of archaeological aerial reconnaissance. Though new to this area, this survey technique is well established as the single most important method of finding new archaeological sites in lowland arable areas in…

Cigmău 1

Créateur: William Hanson & Ioana Oltean

Identifiant: 0270330

Date: July 2002

Type: image

Format: jpg

E end of the fort during excavation with the site of the small, mulitvallate Iron Age hilfort beyond. Vicus buildings E of the fort are visible as negative cropmarks beyond that.. The Roman fort at Cigmău (Germisara) sits at the end of a low, narrow spur some 150m to the north of the river Mureș, its irregular shape determined by the topography

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William Hanson & Ioana Oltean, “Cigmău 1,” consulté le 4 mai 2024,



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